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The Comprehensive List of Funny Numbers

Become a pro at spotting them in your friends' Discord pics.

Article by B • 2022-01-29

From the beginning of human history, man has attempted to find patterns in every aspect of life and assign meaning to them as symbols. It’s how we communicate meaning to other people and survive in the social world that we live in.

Food, sex, drugs - nothing is sacred from this symbolic interactionism. A prime example of this is numbers. One might think that a construct so mathematically, scientifically pure as numbers couldn’t be corrupted. Indeed, that presumption turns out to be false.

Over time, humorous meanings have been assigned to seemingly arbitrary numbers. With how many there are, it can be tough to remember them all. So then, here is a helpful list, which may be occasionally updated to reflect the times.

number description/associated with
34 lewd drawings of mainstream characters
42 life, the universe, and everything
69 sex position
420 marijuana
621 popular yiff-hosting service e621.net
666 the devil
926 sfw counterpart of e621.net
1337 leet hacker
8008135 if entered into a calculator and viewed upside-down, displays “BOOBIES”